3-7 September 2018
Audimax | Kiel University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Microbial Biota in Anaerobic and Microaerobic Habitats

5 Sep 2018, 11:15
Audimax-Frederik-Paulsen-Hörsaal (Kiel University)


Kiel University



Tom Fenchel


Anaerobic zones occur in stratified water columns and almost universally in aquatic sediments at various depths. Anaerobic zones are covered by zones characterized by more or less steep oxygen gradients. These habitats harbor characteristic biota of unicellular organisms with zonation patterns determined by oxygen tension. The presentation will especially emphasize eukaryotic microbes in microaerobic and anaerobic habitats with respect to physiological adaptations and constraints and to zonation patterns exemplifying both sediments and the stratified water column.

Primary author

Tom Fenchel

Presentation Materials

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