3-7 September 2018
Audimax | Kiel University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Travel Grants

We are happy to announce that the SFB 754 Ocean Deoxygenation Conference will offer a limited number of travel grants sponsored by the Future Ocean to scientists from developing countries at all career stages. The grants will be available mainly to contributors from low-income and lower-middle-income economies as designated by the World Bank, depending on the availability of funds we may also consider contributors from upper-middle-income economies. If you have questions concerning the eligibility of your home country please contact us at sfb754@geomar.de.


What will the travel grant cover?

The grant will cover your conference registration fee and up to 1.500 € for transportation expenses (depending on your country of origin and the number of applicants). You will need to secure other funding for possible remaining travel costs. The grant will not cover accommodation or a subsistence allowance as well as the abstract processing fee. Awardees will be notified about the final amount of their travel support after the reviewing process.



Travel grants are non-transferable. The applicant must be the presenting author of the conference contribution (oral or poster). The travel grant will be awarded for a specific abstract. If this abstract is withdrawn from the conference or not presented despite attendance of the awardee the grant must be repaid.


How to apply:

You can apply for the travel grant by filling out this application form (first download it), describing the importance of your scientific findings as well as your motivation. We also need an estimation of your travel costs. In addition, a reference letter of the current supervisor is needed for students, PhD candidates and postdocs (4 years after PhD). Please email the application form and the reference letter to sfb754@geomar.de after submitting your abstract through the conference website at the latest by 14 April 2018. Travel applications submitted after this deadline will not be considered.


After the decisions on abstract acceptance are made we will review all application forms and travel grant awardees will be notified by 15 May 2018 at the latest.


Thanks to the Cluster of Excellence »The Future Ocean« for financially supporting the travel grants.