3-7 September 2018
Audimax | Kiel University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Early Career Scientists Event

ANNOUNCEMENT - preparation workshop for the early career scientists event, for more information, please see here ...


My Future in Science – Opportunities & Challenges

On Tuesday evening (04 Sept 2018) there will be a special event for early career scientists (students, PhD candidates and postdocs) called „My Future in Science - Opportunities & Challenges". This event, sponsored by the Joachim Herz Stiftung, will give early career academics the possibility to discuss a variety of topics related to their scientific career in a leisurely and relaxed atmosphere with experienced researchers.

In order to provide an undisturbed and open conversation atmosphere, we will pair up early career and established scientists one-to-one on individual tables. Each conversation will be accompanied by one course (starter, dinner, dessert, each appr. 30 min). The early career scientists will change their table after each course, giving them the chance to have three different, intensive discussions during the evening. In order to find the best possible matches for the evening we ask the participants to fill out the application form below.

Possible themes to discuss could be inside as well as outside academia:
 - Work/Life Balance

 - Gender Issues
 - Diversity Issues
 - Working Abroad
 - Funding Opportunities
 - Career Opportunities within Academia
 - Career Opportunities outside Academia

 - Forming the Scientific Profile
 - Networking

Other themes of interest are welcome as well.

In addition we will invite SFB 754 alumni who have pursued a career inside or outside of academia. Before the dinner the alumni will briefly summarize their career after the research work within the SFB 754 and be available after dinner for smaller group discussions during the rest of the evening.

If you would like to participate in this event please indicate you interest during your conference registration. Further, please fill out this form to specify the topics you are particularly interested in as an early career scientist (Participation Application Form - Early Career Scientist (first download it)).

We also look for senior scientists, group leaders, professors etc who feel comfortable with giving advice on various topics such as working abroad, experiences with various grants, but also gender issues, family & career, and others. If you would like to support the early career event as a senior discussion partner, please fill out the Participation Application Form - Adviser (first download it). 

Completed application forms should be forwarded to us by email (sfb754@geomar.de) until 31 July 2018 at the latest.

Please contact us if you have questions or comments concerning this event.

** Please note: places to this event are limited so participation is not guaranteed. You will be contacted about your participation after the submission deadline has passed. **

Preparation workshop for the early career scientists event

Tuesday 04.09.2018 // 13:30 - 14:30 (during lunch break // for early career scientists only)

John Webb invites the early career scientists to an informal preparation session for their big evening event.
The workshop will be during the lunch break. So grab yourself a plate of food and head on over. You can listen, learn and eat: all at the same time.
John will be offering tips & tricks on how to prepare for meeting up with the evening expert discussion partners.

Maybe you just really want to get the maximum out your evening meet-ups, or maybe you want some advice on balancing career & family, or discussing diversity issues. As a scientist, you might feel like you’re on thin ice when it comes to networking and maybe you’ve never even thought about  how to stay present in the thoughts of your conversation partners, even weeks or months after these first meetings.
Remember, you only have around 30 min with each expert advisor, so you WILL want to use your time wisely.

Curious? Then please come and join - it is never too late to learn something new!

We thank the Joachim Herz Stiftung for financially supporting this event.