To acknowledge excellent poster presentation skills of early career scientists there will be a Best Poster Award Competition. The prizes are sponsored by the Peter and Elke Stoffers Stiftung.
There will be six poster prizes in total, four will be awarded by an expert team and two by the audience (all registered participants). The expert team will consist of 10 conveners, representing the 10 different conference topics. The experts will receive evaluation sheets to judge the posters' scientific content as well as the visual presentation.
For the audience prizes we will hand out evaluation sheets to all participants during the registration.
Each awardee will receive a honorarium prize of 500 €. The prizes will be presented to the winners along with a certificate by a representative of the Peters and Elke Stoffers Stiftung and conference representatives on Friday, 07 September 2018.
How to participate?
If you would like your poster to be considered for the Best Poster Award please indicate so when filling out the registration form.
Only undergraduate students and PhD candidates are eligible.
We thank the Peter und Elke Stoffers Stiftung for financially supporting the Best Poster Awards.