Oral Presentations
The duration of all oral presentations is 15 minutes, including time for questions (we therefore suggest 12 minutes presentation maximum + 3 minutes for questions minimum).
All session rooms will be equipped with projectors, laptop computers, microphones and laser pointers. It will not be possible to use a personal laptop, therefore please bring your presentation on a USB flash drive. Presenters are asked to upload their files until 13:30 on the day their presentation is scheduled at the latest. Please upload your presentation in the conference organisation office. Technical assistence will be available.
Your presentation should be in PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) or PDF format in a 4:3 aspect ratio. Our laptop computers will be equipped with standard software such as the Office package. We ask all presenters to check the functionality of their presentation well in advance, especially when using media files or uncommon fonts.
Poster Presentations
The size of the poster walls is 118,9 cm high x 84,1 cm wide, which should be the maximum size of your poster. We suggest to print your posters in A0 portrait format to make maximum use of the available space.
Please put up your poster on Monday already in the tent in front of the Audimax. The poster area will be open from Monday to Friday throughout the meeting to give all participants sufficient time beforehand to look at the posters during the breaks.
The main poster session is scheduled on Wednesday, 18:00 - 20:30 but you may be present at your poster at any time.
The poster walls will be numbered with your abstract ID and assistants will be around to help you set up and put down your poster. We will provide materials to fix the posters. Please pick up your poster until Friday afternoon at the latest.